Improving software delivery in every organisation

Made Tech Engineering Docs

This is the technical documentation hub for Made Tech. You can use this resource to discover and learn about applications and open source libraries we have built both for ourselves and customers.

Primarily this resource is for Made Tech software engineers but we hope it’s useful for other folk too.

Learning Resources

We have published a number of learning resources on software delivery.

Learn Tech Our learning materials, workshops, code katas, and more.
Productionistion Our application checklist for production readiness. We use this resource for ensuring applications we build are supportable over the long term.
Clean Architecture A (work-in-progress) guide to the methodology behind Made Tech Flavoured Clean Architecture.
Ops Cookbook A collection of recipes, often in Terraform for common Ops tasks.

Open Source

We open source some of our work for easy reuse by our teams and often for the benefit of others outside our own organisation.

npm version
Our frontend toolkit that provides HTML components, Sass and a React component library for Made Tech branded applications.
Gem version
Rake tasks for deploying to CloudFoundry v6+.
Gem version
Ruby DSL for defining job specifications and role expectations.

Platform for is comprised of a few applications composed with an nginx forward proxy. Below you will find links to the independent components.

madetech/proxy An nginx proxy that forwards traffic to appropriate applications.
madetech/made Our original Rails application that still serves the majority of, it's the default application the forward proxy serves.
madetech/made-blog A GatsbyJS static site builder that connects to our blog content.
madetech/webhooks A webhook application for automating publishing and deployment of

Made Tech Handbook

If you are interested in understanding Made Tech culture you should read our open source Handbook. You can find out what it’s like to work in one of our software engineering teams, read our role definitions, understand our benefits and policies, and more.